
Dr. 詹姆斯·普罗文茨尔,医学博士:校友,1968届
Professor of Radiology, Duke University School of Medicine 

各位校友和恩人: Dr. 詹姆斯Provenzale, Professor of Radiology at Duke University School of Medicine, shares his experiences and what he believes are the benefits of a Saint Saviour education.

我用“社区”这个词来形容SSCA. 这是一个非凡的教师社区, staff and parents has been a wonderful second home to my three children over the last 11 years. We love Saint Saviour for so many reasons including 小班授课, incredible teachers and staff and diversity from all parts of Brooklyn. SSCA has prepared my children to thrive in high school and for this, we are very grateful for the educational foundation SSCA has taught them. 


圣救世主就像我们的第二个家. The staff at the school has shown the ability to effectively navigate through these trying times.  We have been lucky enough to be part of the Saint Saviour community since 2017. 现在我们的4个孩子都来了. 圣救世主的班级规模很好, with very competent teachers that make the learning environment perfect for young children.


We toured a few schools in the area and specifically chose Saint Saviour for 小班授课 and diverse student body.  我儿子上学前班的时候很不容易. 他的老师都很棒, 有爱心的, 最重要的是, very patient and supportive of him transitioning to a school environment. They gave him the attention and positive encouragement he needed to thrive in school. 我们一直在圣. Saviour for 6 years now and his classes have ranged from 12-18 students in each class. 他从来没有上过超过20个孩子的课. 他在学校里成长得很好,很开心. 我真的很感激所有的精力充沛,快乐, and positive teachers he’s had through all the grade levels. 每年,我儿子都告诉我他真的很喜欢他的老师. He has described them as “nice, funny, kind, and really good.

除了常规课程, SSCA提供了强烈的社区意识, 具有较强的, 有凝聚力的员工,他们了解每一个学生, 给他们个体化的关注. Each student is greeted by their first name by all the staff members. 每当我们有任何问题或担忧, I would email the teacher or principal and get a response in a few hours or the next day. My son has severe allergies and his teachers would text me with a list of ingredients before giving him food in class. 每个工作人员, 包括委托人, 设施经理, 以及行政支持人员, takes an active role in 有爱心的 for the students and interacting with them throughout the school year. We love  SCCA, and are so 快乐 to have found a good school and community for our children.


我们的儿子和女儿,一个10岁,一个7岁,都在圣. 从幼儿园起就是救世主.  We love the dedication and hard work of the teachers and 政府.  The children not only receive exceptional academic instruction, 同时也在培养他们的情感成长.  The kids love their school and the relationships they have built there, 最终, 对学校质量最好的证明是什么.


Saint Saviour has offered us everything we were looking for as we searched for a school for our children – wonderful families, 小班授课, dedicated teachers and a safe environment during the past two years.  Notably they did everything possible to stay open during the pandemic when others remained closed – a huge gift to our family.  We’re forever grateful for all they have done for our children – who notably love everything about the school.  他们很好奇, 它们是, and they’ve made wonderful friends in a diverse and enlightened setting.


Our children have attended Saint Saviour for the middle school years. 这是一所很棒的学校, 小而多样, led by a 有爱心的 principal who works tirelessly for the good of every student. She has assembled a team of teachers and staff who care deeply for each child. The help and guidance we received during the high school admissions process have also been priceless. It is a real pleasure to be part of this supportive community.


自2016年以来,我们一直是一个快乐的Saint Saviour家庭. 我们喜欢小班, 富有同情心和乐趣的教员, 关怀员工, 热情的社区, 还有优秀的课后充实计划. It has been such a nurturing and cozy environment for our children during their preschool and elementary school years. SSCA supports the whole child, academically, emotionally, and socially. 


从最初的接触和学校参观, 通过申请过程, we knew we were applying to a fantastic middle school program for our child.  我们的假设再正确不过了.  温暖的, nurturing and academic environment at Saint Saviour has allowed our child to believe that what she thinks and says matter, while making sure she supports her classmates so that they are able to experience the same.  向老师致敬, 政府, and students at Saint Saviour for making the school a special place.


We visited several catholic schools when we were looking for a school for our son.  We knew Saint Saviour Catholic Academy was the right place for our family from the first time we visited the school.  We felt very welcomed into the school community and that feeling was confirmed by our son after a buddy day with the kindergarten class.  Our son has attended Saint Saviour since first grade and is now in the eighth grade. Saint Saviour has a wonderful spirit of community among the families, 政府, 教职员工. 天主教的价值观渗透到学校生活的各个方面.  Our son has academically excelled, spiritually grown, and socially and athletically thrived.  Saint Saviour has prepared our son to enter the next phase of his life with confidence, 卓越的道德指南针, 以及终身受用的一流教育. We could not have chosen a better place to prepare our son in his formative years. 作为一个家庭, we have enjoyed being involved with the school through several volunteer opportunities that have helped us stay connected to the school community.  我们欣赏学生群体的多样性, 小班授课, 课后和课外活动, 以及政府的奉献精神, 教师和工作人员培养整个孩子.
